13 Reasons Why Season 2 Trailer And Release Date Revealed

The story continues as the students of Liberty High deal with the aftermath of Hannah's death.

The trailer for the highly anticipated second season of 13 Reasons Why has finally be revealed, and it looks approximately eighteen thousand times more intense than season one. If that’s even possible.

The tapes were “just the beginning” according to the Polaroids that are seen flying about through the tense 97 seconds, as we’re warned the “truth is developing”.

'Watch! Katherine Langford reveals how Hannah's role will change in season two of the show >>>'

Instead of your usual clips from the show type of trailer, 13RW have gone for a more mysterious approach as we’re given an insight into a few of the key character’s lives and how they’re dealing with the aftermath of Hannah Baker’s death.

From Hannah’s mum, who is seen trying to piece together what might have caused her daughter to take her own life, to Bryce Walker, whose actions were a huge catalyst for a number of his school peers, it's set to be another tense season.

But it’s when Clay appears on screen and is seemingly getting ready to head to court (if you look closely you can see his summons to appear document) that the chills start and you hope and pray that those responsible actually get what they deserve.

So are the Polaroids the new tapes? Will there be one each episode? Where do the new cast members come into it?

Either way we can’t wait for this showto be back in our lives, and for us to watch all 13 eps in as many hours.

'13 Reasons Why Season 2 is on Netflix from May 18th.'

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