5ive: “We’re gay”

Theyre not, but it's what they told a room full of journos as they announced their return to pop

Man band, '5ive', have announced they are officially back together and ready to sell as many records as the did in their heyday.

The foursome " J, Abs, Scott and Richie " kicked off their press conference by joking, We are here to tell everyone in this room that we are officially gay."

They soon got on to serious business however, and announced they'd been working with top (former Robbie Williams) tunesmith, Guy Chambers.

"We've already written one amazing track with him and we're going into the studio to do more," said Scott. "I can't say too much, but the tracks are going to be rocking."

The lads denied they're jumping on the manbandwagon, as kicked off by Take That's and followed up by Upper Street ("Who? I don't know them but I wish them luck," commented J) - or that they're getting back together to make a quick buck.

"The big difference is that we want to get new material out there. We sold 20 million albums back in the day and we want to do that again," said Scott.

J chipped in, "We've all got enough money. We don't need to be doing this, we want to do it."

And contrary to tabloid reports, their comeback is not being financed by a fat cat record label boss.

"We haven't got a record deal; we're funding everything ourselves and are doing everything at our pace," said Richie. "When and if we feel ready to tour that's when we'll get on the road."

For now the boys are just excited about making sweet music together again. "We love the rockier direction music's gone in lately," said Rich. "We didn't do candy pop before and you can guarentee we won't be doing that now."

And while times might have changed it's nice to see the lads are still rocking that trusty boyband staple, the Timbaland boot...


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