Answered: Questions You’ve Always Wanted To Ask A Waxing Expert

Well someone had to ask the things we're all too scared to mention...

Thinking of getting a bikini wax before you hop on a plane for your summer hols,but have a thousand questions about the slightly terrifying process?

Well we’ve gone ahead and asked actual expert Cynthia Chua, founder and CEO of Ministry of Waxing, a load of questions on the matter to get to the bottom of, well, if you should have your butt done while you’re there. And what about those pesky ingrown hairs? And can we still get a waxif we’re on our period?

Like, we said, we have a lot of questions.

'But first, why not check out the unforgettable moment we asked people to label a uterus for us…'

So go ahead and get fully up to speed on all things waxing, and be fully prepared for your next appointment…

What’s one thing you wish everyone did pre-waxing?

A thorough cleanse of the area as to give a perfect wax the therapist needs to be extremely close to the hair follicles, we do provide a hygiene wipe for our clients to do this prior to a therapist entering the room.

What’s the best way to tackle ingrown hairs?

Upgrading to laser hair removal to permanently remove the hair, for our waxing clients we recommended using our ingrowing hair cream that contains salicylic acid which is an enzyme exfoliator that gently eats up the dead skin cells that block the hair in the hair follicle causing them to become ingrowing, it also contains chamomile to calm and soothe the area.

What’s the most surprising thing that’s ever happened during an appointment?

A client’s waters broke whilst having her Brazilian waxed, its extremely common for clients to wax up until their due date as during labour its clean and hygienic to not have any hair present.

What’s the craziest reaction someone has had?

Unfortunately if aftercare is not followed clients could experience folliculitis, which is an infection in the hair follicle, this can happen if the client proceeds to have sexual intercourse within 24 hours.

Can you tell if we’re lying about the last time we came in?

Yes definitely, we are experts in hair. The texture of the hair and style in which it grows back will differ with various methods of depilation and timings.

What would happen if you just never ripped the wax off and left it there?

With Hard wax which is the wax that does not stick to the skin it only adheres to the hair it would dry hard on the epidermis and eventually flake off pulling the hair with it, it would be uncomfortable. With soft wax that we use for vellus hair on the legs for example it would become a sticky mess.

What are the most popular styles of wax to get?

The variations of Brazilian waxes ranges from an all off to a heart shape left with your pubic hair.

How many waxes do you have to have before it doesn’t hurt?

Everyone’s pain threshold is different, once experienced a wax is bearable as you understand the procedure.

What’s the best time in your cycle to make it less painful?

A week after your period.

How much are you actually judging someone’s vagina?

Waxing is a common courtesy, the only thing we are focused on is to provide you with the best waxing experience ever.

Will it be more painful if I’m on my period when I get a wax? Is it still okay to have it done if I’m on?

During your period the hormones present in the body make it more uncomfortable for you to have a wax, your skin is more sensitive. At Ministry of Waxing our policy is whilst on your period we will provide a client with an extended bikini only on the bikini area not a Brazilian which removes the hair from the labia and crack, as with sanitary products in the vagina and waxing so close its unhygienic and unsafe as they may be removed accidentally.

Are guys or girls better at dealing with the pain?

As girls wax more frequently, even though the percentage of men waxing has increased now to 30% of our clientele, they do handle the pain better.

Do you have a lot of male clients? If so what is the most popular style for them to have done?

30% of our clientele are male and they have a variety of treatments, nostrils and boyzilian are the most popular.

Do most people have their bum hole waxed?

Yes, it a very popular treatment. The crack is included in our Brazilian/Boyzilian and Hollywood treatments and is also an additional treatment that a lot of clients add on.

Do all vaginas look the same?

Every vagina looks different, we are all different shapes and sizes, and different hair types have different hair structures and styles.

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