Joe Sugg Opens Up About His Struggle With Acne And How It Knocked His Confidence

The YouTuber took a break from pranks and addressed something a little more on the serious side...

It can be easy to assume that YouTubers, or anyone in the public eye for that matter, are simply born perfectly tanned, plucked and preened.

But it turns out that that just isn’t the case, and that even the likes of Joe Sugg, who has an Instagram account that looks like a fancy travel brochure, suffers with his skin.

Yep, taking to his YouTube channel this week to talk openly and frankly with his viewers, Joe explains that he used to suffer with acne so severethatit would affect his self confidence.

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Over the course of a surprisingly honesty 30-minute video, Joe explains how his skin wasn’t all that bad for most of his teenage years, and that when it did get worse he simply thought they were ‘just spots’.

In fact he assumed for a long timeit was his personal hygiene that caused it, or even his job at the time as a roof thatcher.

It got to the point where he was covering his skin with make-up in his early YouTube days, too embarrassed to even watch his previous videos back.

But he soon took action and sought professional help from a skin therapist (no thanks to some not so helpful GPs) and started on a course of Roaccutane, which combined with lower stress levels left him with super clear skin.

Check out his full story below, and for more info on Acne check out the NHS website.

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