Derren Brown Wins At Twitter With Perfect Response To A Troll

We love it when a celeb knocks a troll down a peg or two with just one simple tweet...

If Twitter were a game, Derren Brown would seriously be winning right now.

The famous illusionist was the victim of some extremely vile homophobic abuse this week, forcing him to hit back with a response of his own, though of a far superior level than what he received.

The Brit first came out as gay back in 2007, but the news seemed to have angered one user who was clearly unaware of Derren's quick witted ways.

@HossamAlyyy decided to share his unasked for view with a series of tweets, which though have since been deleted were screen grabbed for you to read:

"I feel f****n' embarrassed that I followed a homosexual for a long duration. I wish you see me tweet to make you feel ashamed b*****d," he said.

"With all your intelligent performances how come you are a freaking sick human being in real life?" Hossam continued.

Ever the calm and collected man, Derren simply responded:

.@HossamAlyyy I'm very flattered you're attracted to me (if I read between the lines correctly) but I'm not looking for a bf right now x

— Derren Brown (@DerrenBrown) December 30, 2014

"I'm very flattered you're attracted to me (if I read between the lines correctly) but I'm not looking for a bf right now x"

That shut the troll up. We love you Derren!

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