An Instagram Star Has Gone Viral For Quitting Social Media After Revealing The ‘Truth’ Behind Her Images

Essena O’Neill wants to show the ‘real’ her.

Australian model Essena O’Neill has made waves on the Internet this week, after posting a lengthy YouTube video announcing she’s quitting social media.

But why all the uproar? Well, the 19-year-old has hit out at the ‘false image’ she’s been putting out on the platforms – and urged people to understand that most of what they see on social media is the opposite of candid.

In a YouTube video explaining why she’s stepping away from the filters, Essena admits: “I see how contrived, fake and forced consistently proving to the world 'how amazing my life/body/self is’.

“I spent everyday looking at a screen, viewing and comparing myself to others.”

And after deleting over 2,000 photos from her Instagram account, Essena has re-captioned some of her previous posts, which reveal the truth behind how they were captured.

This un-staged moment caught on camera?

Essena disclosed that this one snap made her $400, just for wearing a certain dress.

This casual moment by the beach?

The teen says it took 100 tries to get the ‘right’ picture.

This natural selfie?

It went through multiple editing apps.

This revealing going out look?

She never even left the house in it, on account of her being 16 and the outfit being insanely mature.

You can learn more about Essena at her (very awesome) website here.

- By Charlotte Warwick

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