Kayleigh Morris And Holly Rickwood Kickstart Feud With Maisie Gillespie After Branding Her "A Skank"

Ex On The Beach dramz.

Kayleigh Morris and Holly Rickwood have made their opinion of Maisie Gillespie crystal clearafter branding the Ex On The Beach star a "skank" for talking about her "f***y" too much.

Proving that there's no love lost between them, Kayleigh launched into a rant with Daily Star Online about how Maisie hasn't done herself any favours on the show. Controversial.

Arguing that her perception of Maisie has slowly changed over the series,Kayleigh said: "Do you know what, I stuck up for her when she first went in. Everyone was like Oh she's a man."

"But then I thought, you know what babe, you haven't helped yourself on the show.I'm ashamed to say I'm from Wales likes she is."

Holly then chipped inby branding Maisie a "skank", saying that all those"gushing f***y" commentsaren't exactlyclassy: "I think she seems like a skank. Who talks about their f***y that much?"

"She's like posting pictures in the bath and stuff.It's like, be a bit more classy. You are in the public eye at the moment."

Meanwhile, Maisie has responded to the criticism with a message of her own, arguing that picking on a twenty-one girl because she's a bit "different" isn'tthe pinnacle of morality either.

Yikes. Let's see where this one goes.

'Now check out what Sophie Kasaei has to say about dealing with the trolls on Twitter...'

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