Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace will help you get HIRED

She's appearing in our new show Fired By Mum & Dad - and she's got some wise advice on how to get hired for your dream job. Go get 'em!

Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace knows a thing or two about building a profile for yourself - and getting thatjob you really, really want.

From her first appearance nine years ago on 'Big Brother', the reality star has clocked up an impressive amount of column inches and now boasts well overa quarter of a million social media followers.

She's also well known for her catchphrase"You better know yourself". And conveniently, she's appearing in the first episode of our brand new shows Fired By Mum & Dad - which starts tonight at 8pm.

So we quizzed Aisleyne on her top tips for getting hired forjob. And here's what she told us:


"It’s always important to be punctual -it shows you’re serious and dedicated."

#2Personal Hygiene

"There’s nothing worse than working with people with bad personal hygiene. I wouldn’t hire a stinky bastard!"

#3 Be ATeam Player

"You've got to be a team player to get things done -but you should also be able to work as an individual. It's a good old tried and tested tip that everyone uses!"


"Good manners cost nothing but can have a big impact on what people think of you."

#5 Be Friendly

"No one wants to work with an arsehole!"

And finally...

"It’s really important to 'know yourself'.It’s a rule I always live by and I think that everyone else should do so too!"

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