People Were Too Busy Watching Game Of Thrones To Bother With Porn

Pornhub reported a 4.5% dip during the season premiere.

In a slice of news that probably won't surprise a lot of people, the season premiere of Game Of Thrones had a colossal impact on theporn-viewing habits of the public. And the usual crowdjust did 'not 'have the time of day to think about sex.

Pornhub themselves have come forward to announce that traffic to the site experienced a dip of 4.5% when the first episode of Season 7 premiered, which - for aprimetime Sunday- is a "considerable change"to the attention the site usually gets.


This doesn't mean that people have been put off porn altogether, with the company noting that it was business as usual about two hours after Arya Stark got her revenge and Ed Sheeran made his much-discussed cameo.

For a little background information, the biggest dip the site experienced was back on June 26th 2016, in which the finale of Game Of Thrones' season six causedtraffic to drop by 5.2 per cent. Here's what happened this time around.

Pornhub Insights

While Pornhub had a pretty shoddy Sunday, the people behind Game Of Thrones are celebrating after pullingin 10.1 traditional viewers of the show with a further six million streaming the show online.

That makes the HBO season opener the most watched series debut of all time, and follows a huge 50% increase in viewership from the sixth season's opener back in 2016.

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