Jemma Lucy Left 'Shaking' In Sex Trafficking Ordeal After Airport Security Fear The Worst


Jemma Lucy was left "shaking" during border security after officials became concerned that she was the victim of sex trafficking due to the fact she was carrying a giant Simba through customs.

The incident went down at Manchester airport, where Jem feared she was being accused of a crime she couldn't evenremember committing when border control took her aside to probe her identity.


“The weirdest thing has just happened, I’m literally still shaking the border security thing, they literally just stopped me and said, ‘Wait a minute Jemma.’", she began on Snapchat.

Revealing that she was barred from getting through control, she said: “Asking me questions about where I’ve been, who I am and all this s***, they won’t let me go through.I was absolutely shaking, thinking that I was getting nicked, thinking what the f*** have I done that I can’t remember and I’m getting nicked for it.”


Explaining that holding a teddy bear is actually asign of being trafficked, she said:“Turns out it’s all because I’ve got a teddy they thought I was being traffickedLike I was being bought over and trafficked as a slut. Not a slut, a prostitute or whatever.

"They thought I was being trafficked cause I had this. Why can’t I have a teddy?So my heart is still racing. I can’t believe it’s a sign of being trafficked.

Jem later said she could see the humour in the situation, but added that she wasn't for a second making light of sex trafficking:"Who you gonna sell me to first? Someone fit? How about I give you a list of the people?

"Joke over, I’m not making fun of people being trafficked as obviously it’s horrible but it’s just a funny situation that occurred because of a teddy bear."


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