Jennifer Hudson Talks Secret Societies

The R&B star isn’t happy about a current rumour…

29-year-old R&B songstress Jennifer Hudsonhas addressed rumours claiming that she is part of a cult called the Illuminati.

Everyone from Kanye Westand Jay-Z to Rihanna and Lady GaGa are apparently part of this secret society, but Jennifer doesn’t want anything to do with it, as she explained in a recent Ustream broadcast.

She said: “I’m so glad someone brought this Illuminati mess up because only a child of God would address it.

"That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard in my life. And it’s offensive because basically what? The people that are here today don’t deserve to be where they are? What, we didn’t work for it?

"So I find—and I hate to go there—but I find it’s those that can’t make it that would probably join Illuminati, or whoever that is, to get somewhere.”

She continued: “Don’t listen to that type of stuff, don’t follow that stuff because those people are only luring you in to become a part of some mess like that, so know that you’re only falling victim,” she warned.

“That’s their way of gaining followers. I’d advise you to stay away from it. Those who are reading it are falling into it. It could not be more untrue.”

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