Kylie Jenner's Smoothie Hack Is The Perfect Healthy Start To January

Or snack tbh.

If you ate your bodyweight in cheese and chocolate over Christmas and are feeling like it might be time to imbibe a few vitamins then let Kylie Jenner show your her secret weapon for a healthy start to the day.

It's a simple but fruity smoothie that'sfull of goodness and - best of all -it contains no greens so you won't feel like you're forcing yourself to drink pond water.

"You guys, this smoothie gives me life...literally!" Kylie explains in a new post on her app this week."I make it every morning for energy, a healthy dosage of Vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants and general deliciousness. You can make it too, if you want to wake up and feel like me."

Having seen the glow of her skin and the standard of her selfies, we DEFINITELY want to feel like KJ, so here's the recipe to give it a go:

Blend half a cup of orange juice with a banana and half a cup of frozen strawberries and mango. Whizz it all up (Kylie uses a Vitamix but any blender will do) and VOILA, ready to go.

Dead easy, right? Let us know if you'll be trying with a tweet to @MTVUK already.

'Now how about watching a video of guys and girls trying to guess what weird sex toys are for? Ok then...'

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