11 Things You Should Do Instead Of Dealing With The Tube Strike Hell

We’re here to help.

If you happen to live in London (and even if you dont, annoyingly) then you probably haven't stopped hearing about the London Underground strikes taking place on Wednesday and Thursday (8/9 July).

Well, you know what, we're pretty over the whole thing too. But instead of making our mistake of taking approximately 4,000 buses in order to get into work, here's how you can avoid it all and survive this shambles of a day.

1. Stay at home

2. Stay in bed

3. Say you’re ‘working from home’

Aka the greatest way to do nothing and without feeling guilty. THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE WORKING ON.

4. Go to your nearest supermarket and panic buy some essentials

So, you know, chocolate, frozen pizzas and about 12 litres of Coke ought to do.

5. Turn to Netflix, because Netflix never strikes

6. Watch as many episodes of Pretty Little Liars as you can

Which for us is the point when we think our eyeballs are going to fall out.

7. Take a nap

Because this whole striking business is STRESSFUL.

8. Wake up, get back on the Netflix grind

9. Watch your commuting friends’ rage-filled Snapchats and feel smug

10. Tweet something well lol-worthy related to the strike

So probably something you’ve seen on Instagram and nicked for yourself.

11. Congratulate yourself on making it through the day

You know what, a few more tube strikes would probably do you some good.

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