14 Major Differences Between School & University

Bascially, everything...

You've aced your A-levels, sharpened your pencils and are all set for university, hooray!

You've been in school for oooh about a hundred years now, so the transition from sixth form to uni should be a breeze, right?

Wrong, dear friends. There are some epic differences between the two.

But don't despair, we've laid them all out for you. Because knowledge is power, innit? Just ask She-Ra, Princess of Power (actually don't).



You are, quite literally, paying for this. Even if your fees are paid for by somebody else (well done Scotland) you'll still most likely be taking out a loan or overdraft of some kind. Bunking off class is somehow a lot less fun when you're basically ripping your self off. And trust us when we tell you that blowing the first instalment of your loan in the first week is a bad, BAD idea.


In university, your teachers swear and the first time it will blow your mind. They won't even mind if you swear a bit. But dropping the C-bomb in a tutorial about Tolstoy is probably overstepping the mark.


At school, there was still a slight stigma attached to being a swot. At uni, everyone loves the swot! They'll have read the book in advance, maybe even have made some notes, and are delighted to share their knowledge with you. Always try and be in the swot's discussion group.


If you're struggling with a subject at school, a teacher will probably approach you with help. If you're struggling at uni, you'll have to ask for help. Be brave, it's what they're there for. But only inside their scheduled office hours - NEVER risk a professor's wrath by approaching them at the pub.

Free Time

Back in A-Level land, all your time was taken up with classes. At uni, you probably have about two hours' of classes a week. That said…

Hard Work

It’s foolish to think that the gaping holes in your weekly schedule are sweet, sweet down time. You'll actually be expected to do work under your own initiative. Imagine that.


Did your parents remind you to do your homework? That's not going to happen any more. Same goes for personal hygiene. Being a grown up is HARD.


It's unacceptable at school to turn up to class tiddly-pops. It still is at uni, but people will do it anyway. Breakfast booze is a thing. But you're probably too responsible to do things like that...

Sport (Part 1)

Being a member of a school sport team was seen as a badge of honour, making you one of the cool kids. At uni, the opposite is true, especially if you join the rugby club.

Sport (Part 2)

Don't join the rugby club, okay?


Miss a class at school and notice is taken. Miss a lecture and no-one notices. Except you when it comes to exam time and you have zero notes.


Your school friends have known you for at least seven years. Your uni friends have just met you. Drop that nickname you've never liked, OR invent a whole new one for yourself.

A Whole New You

In fact, you can totally reinvent yourself at uni. You might want to be careful if friends from home visit though, and ask how long you've been known as 'Ace-ball'.

A Whole New World

School, up to a certain age, is mandatory. University is voluntary. You're there because you want to be. Make the most of it. Trust us on this one.

'By Georgina Terry'

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