15 Funniest Tweets That Understand The Pain Of Going Back To School

Don't make me.

The day that felt like it would never comehas's back. At the start of Summer you were full of hopes and dreams for how the next three months would look and the memory of school was so far away you thought there was a chance it might never roll around again.

But sadly you were wrong.September is here to ruin our lives and Twitter is right beside you in dealing with that pain.

Check out our guy Zac Fox is taking on High School...

1. When you used all your energy on the vacay...

Yeah, that relaxing holiday wasn’t that relaxing, so we won’t be coming back. Thx bye.

2. When your nightmare comes true...

You can’t threaten us with something that’s already happened bbz.

3. When you spent the entire Summer watching Netflix...

Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school


Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school


4. When being Kylie Jenner has never been so relatable..

Surely it’s smarter to stay at home where there is 100% chance of not failing?

5. When you really think about what you’re learning...

Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school


Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school

We can’t imagine what else we’d need tbh.

6. When the teacher just can’t get on board...

Does 'he' need to go back to school?

7. When three months seems like three days...

He’s not wrong.

8. When it hits you that you’re going back...

Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school


Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school

Exact feeling rn.

9. When you don’t even need teachers...

Because Wiki is the source of all facts, right?

10. When you physically can’t do school...

Have I not written in three months? Oh yeah, nah.

11. When you get your class timetable...

Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school


Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school

Yup, that seems right.

12. When your wardrobe takes a turn...

What is this tomfoolery?

13. When it all gets a bit much...


14. When John Legend just gets it...

Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school


Tweets that perfectly describe going back to school

Sorry Chrissy Teigen.

15. When you really can’t relate to all this back to school chat...

Dogs need education too, OKAY.

And if you're going back to school, you need Tan France to teach you how to take the perfect Insta snap...

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