The Best Phandom Moments Only Dan And Phil Fans Will Appreciate

Cat faces, derping and more joy.

When it comes to the deep, dark universe that is the internet, it's generally accepted that Dan Howell and Phil Lester reign supreme. Sort of like the online answer to Kimye.

But ifPhil isthe Kim to Dan's Kanye,then Dan is the Pikachu to Phil's Ash and together they have conquered YouTube, Pallet Town and everywhere in between.

If that's brought a proud tear to your eye, then it's probably about time we all take a trip down memory lane to relive the best phandom moments of all time.

When they used each other's faces as a human colouring book

The time they looked like a real life tumblr edit

When they did more for the emo fringe than Panic! and Gerard Way combined

Basicallyevery timethey just sat around having a chat

Every time they played The Sims together

Because that's how babies are made. Well, at least that's how Dil Howter was made, anyway.

When Phil proved just how great a housemate he is with this sort of wake up call

And Dan returned the favour by sharing the clothes right off his back

When they were unconsciously mirroringeach other and didn't even realise

That time they read your filthy fan fiction even though it might've scarred Phil for life

And probably Dan too...

Every time they did cat whiskers

And when they worked on their sexy faces together

When they worked out together

(Clapping games totally count as a way to get hench, right?)

And when Dan never would've let go

The timePhil revealed all Dan's secrets

And when they brought Legally Blonde to life

But most of all, every time they did this...

Four for you Phan. You go Phan.

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