This Harry Potter Themed Yoga Might Actually Make You Want To Exercise

Wingardium Levi-YOGA.

If this isn't enough to make you want to spring out of bed for some exercise, then we're sorry but nothing will.

A yoga studio in Austin, Texas switched up their usual class for a day-before-Halloween Harry Potter themed yoga session and it'sjust the most magical exercise class of your muggle dreams.

The reason? Apparently, it was to commemorate the deaths of Harry's parents Lily and James Potter as well as to markthe start of the Mexican Day of the Dead holiday, which celebrates the lives of those who've died.

But how does one carry off such a magical session?

Firstly, each yogi received a wandas they performed poses like 'chair' whilst the instructor asked you to"Imagine you're sitting on the Hogwarts express!" or to perform the'Warrior 2' pose whilst being told:"Come on, Dumbledore's Army!"There was eventhe Whomping Willow (tree pose) and other yoga actions to summon a Patronus orcast off dementors.

During class, theinstructor even read passages from 'Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows' and afterwards they held acelebration which included a sorting hat, potion station, mandrake garden and wizard-y themed treats.

We reckon Harry, Ron and Hermionewould have needed all this stress-reliefatHogwarts. It probably would have calmed Voldermort down a little bit too.

Anyway, we're getting serious FOMOright now.What spell do we need to cast to make sure our owl delivers our yoga invitation next time?

We won't blame you if you hold your own Harry Potter themed classin your head next time you're at the gym. We'd probably recommend leaving the wand at home though.

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