Just A Load Of Tweets About Summer That Will Make You Go 'Same'

Thigh rub forever.

It's officially summer and that means you have no excuse not to have some major, life changing plans.

At least until you get one week in and remember going outside is kinda boring.

And there's internet inside.

Internet you've already paid for.

Then there was thatwhole plan you had to get a beach bod back on January 1st

Even though you totally know that beach bodies aren't even a thing

And then it's two days before vacay and you can't decide whether to try or just eat 500 chicken nuggets instead

It gets to the point where you actually get bored of hydrating

You might've waited all year for sunlight, but that won't stop you fromcomplaining that it's too hot 24/7

Driving anywhere is a joke.

As is the existence of your thighs.

Srsly, it's bad down there.

And as much as you hate the sunshine, it's better than whenthe rain inevitably comes and you forget what it was like not to have wet feet

Also why can you never bring yourself to invest in some sort of summer appropriate coat?

But when the sun shines you immediately feel the need to text any and every ex you've ever had.

There's just something about all that vitamin D that's go you in the mood to get some.

Why is summer on TV is just nothing likesummer IRL?

People mowing their lawns at midday are so inconsiderate of your summer sleeping pattern.

Blame the sun for staying awake so damn long and confusing you.

And then there's this.

But mainly just this forever.

Same, you guys. Same.

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