Kent University Face Criticism After Choosing Zayn Malik As Face Of Black History Month Campaign

Oh dear.

Kent University StudentUnion are facing a whole load of criticism today after releasingimagery featuringZayn Malik and Sadiq Khan as two of the faces of their Black History Month campaign.

As both are actually of British Pakistani descentand the point of Black History Month is to observe and educate about the history of the African disapora, this lack of understanding has unsurprisinglyupset many.

Having seen the pictures online, students from the university called out the decision, which the Union says intended to 'empower' students through its Black History Month, where it chose six public figures to represent diversity.

Some expressed shock and confusion while others - including the university's African-Caribbean society - criticised the move.

The official Black History Month twitter also condemned Kent Union for the campaign.

Union President Rory Murray then took to Facebook to apologise for the incident.

Kent Union have also apologised for the mistake directly although not everyone is satisfied with this.

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