This Baby Monkey Looks Exactly Like Harry Potter's Nemesis, Voldemort

Is this the return of the Dark Lord?!

Just when we thought Harry Potter had freed the world from his arch nemesis Lord Voldemort, HE'S BACK.

In the form of a baby monkey.

Themonkey, who was delivered by caesarean at Paignton Zoo in Devon, was brought into the world with an uncanny resemblance to Harry'sarch nemesis.

This is the stuff of nightmares, right?!

Staff were shocked to see the newborn king colobus monkey had exactly thesame features as the Dark Lord - a porcelain white face, deathly dark eyes, very little hairand slightly lacking in the nose area... justsharing the same general creepiness, really.

Apparently, staff had to perform the c-section on mum Ivy after she began having some labour complications.

Thiz zoo had never performedthis procedure before on a primate, but thankfully all went well and both mum and baby monkey (uhem, the Dark Lord) are healthy.

Since being born, the monkey seems to have shed its 'He Who Must Not Be Named' vibe and actually become quite fluffy and adorable. Sort of.

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