18 Tumblr Posts Anyone Who Has Ever Had A Period Will Relate To

Ever experienced the horror that is a period? Then you will undoubtedly identify with these tumblr posts. Read in full at

Periods have been known to transform even the most calm and collected of us into ragingmonsters. But seeing as how you are forcibly expelling the lining of your actual womb and all, that is frankly100% understandable,even commendable.

From cramps that feellike you're being slicedin two like processed ham to the inexplicable urge you probably getto cry every time you see a golden retriever simply wagging its tail in the street, menstruation really is something.

But hey, we're all (unfortunately) in it together and here's 12 hilarious tumblr posts that will at least allow you to laugh through the pain.

1. When you feel it coming on and it's about as welcome as a poo at a pool party

2. When the weeping happens. And you're only watching Blue Peter.

3. The real life horror story

4. Introducingthe Katniss Everdeens of the world, everybody

5. When you realise your period is basically trolling you

6. Literally how are you supposed to do this when even your own body is against you?

7. Whoever came up with the name 'period' clearly never experienced one

8. A lesson in talking about periods with your dad

9. One for the meme fans

10. Don't even try to pretend you haven't thought this

11. What doesn't kill you makes your stronger,but alsoangrier and more likely to cry at there being no milk left in the fridge

12. Hint to all men: don't mess with us because we will bring the real talk

13. Someone get us a job, these tampons and organic milk bags aren't going to buy themselves

14. Don't question a woman's thought process when she is menstruating, 'kay?

15. Nothing and everything is fueling the internal hate fire

16. When things get lost in translation

17. Lesbian realness

18. Why is lying down in bed not ayoga pose yet

What a bloody nightmare. Pun intended, obvs.

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