Lindsay 'Ready To Work' Again

But only if 'gossips' stop putting her career on hold...

Lindsay Lohan has claimed that rumours surrounding her private life are hindering her career.

The Mean Girls star appeared on the Ellen Show in America yesterday and hinted that despite trying to get her career back on track, gossips are holding her back.
Li-Lo, who has recently been through a rather high profile split with DJ Samantha Ronson stated: "I had a really good opportunity with an amazing actor and it's been put on hold because of this coverage that's been coming out.”
She added: "I didn't get into this to be a celebrity on the cover of tabloids and I've been a target and I'm not that interesting but it's distracting; it distracts people, studio heads, everyone - they get nervous.”
The actress, who was reportedly given a restraining order by Ronson’s family following their break-up then claimed: “I’m ready to work and responsible.
Lohan’s last film Labour Pains didn’t even make the big screen but if Britney can comeback- let’s hope it isn’t too late for Lindsay…

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