Flickers Of The Future: Shortlist And Winner

We’ve found our winner!

Forget the dark and bleak dystopian future that Hollywood have you believe the world is in for. The only way to make a brighter, more sustainable future is to create it for ourselves – which is why Global Action Plan has teamed up with MTV Breaks to challenge young film makers and creatives to inspire us with a more hopeful vision for our future.

We can’t wait to introduce you to Global Action Plan’s Flickers of the Future finalists, who have been working with us at MTV to develop their creative ideas for an alternative eco future.

From the shortlisted top three, one lucky winner has now had their idea turned into a two to three-minute animation. Want to see more creative ideas imagining how a sustainable future will be a better one? Then head on over to the Flickers for the Future Instagram to join the movement of young people inspiring us with visions of a brighter future. [NP1][NP2]

Meet the shortlist

Amy Harris - Zoom: A Future Retrospective

Imagine logging onto your Zoom date only to realise that the person you’ve matched with is calling you from the year 2040. [NP3]We’re guessing you’d have a lot of questions – just like Harry does.

But Alisha’s world is nothing like the bleak future Harry had expected. Instead she hints of a time where everyone is more active, diets are more varied and wildlife is thriving. It just shows the incredible benefits that come with living planet friendly lives. [NP4]

And just in case you were wondering, yes – of course Harry and Alisha meet up for a second date.

Bethan Moore – The Happiness Clinic

The future is for sex, love and veganism – at least it will be if the Ministry for Public Health have anything to do with it. In this green future, we’re no longer engaging in the practices that are doing so much damage to our natural world. We’re shopping less, working less [NP5]and flying less [NP6]

But how have the government persuaded us this is a good idea? With old school propaganda encouraging a much more fun, money-savvy and of course greener way of passing time: having lots of sex.

Well, if it’s all for the good of the environment, then who are we to disagree?

Jack Stanley - Go Slow

In the modern world we’re used to having everything at our fingertips. From next day delivery to taxis two minutes away, waiting is overrated. But fast-forward into the future and the latest travel trend might surprise you.

Here people are trading in their multiple mini breaks and, short haul flights for a new, greener way of holidaying that’s all about making the journey last. Now the trip of a lifetime isn’t the destination at all but the way you get there, be it a bike trip through the mountains, a train ride across the desert, or a boat journey across the seas.

The best bit? Aside from saving the planet, you don’t need to wait until 2041 to make this a reality. With a few simple changes, you actually have the power to plan more sustainable holidays that feel like they’ll never end right here, right now. Slow really is the only way to go!

See the winning idea

Global Action Plan’s Flickers of the Future finalists have been working with us at MTV to develop their creative ideas for an alternative eco future, and now lucky winner Bethan has had the chance to see her idea brought to life as a short animated film.

Want to see more creative ideas imagining how a sustainable future will be a better one? Then head on over tothe Flickers for the Future Instagramto join the movement of young people inspiring us with visions of a brighter future.

Join the Flickers of the Future Movement on Instagram #flickersofthefuture

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