There's A One Direction Fan That's Tweeted Harry Styles 10,000 Times

Where does she find the time to do that much copy and pasting...?!

We all know that One Direction fans are particularly dedicated to the cause, but we had no idea they had quite this much endurance when it came to tweeting.

There's a Directioner who has tweeted Harry Styles the same message over 10,000 times. The. Same. Message.

Before I met you @Harry_Styles I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason, follow me, ily10,000

— bea,,!! please harry (@hstylesduality) November 30, 2014

Beatriz first tweeted it over 5,000 times in less than two weeks,and according to BuzzFeed has claimed she tweeted each tweet manually, too.

She told the site that she felt normal tweets about her day were 'useless' so instead “decided to spam him”.

“I only spam Harry Styles,” she said. “I don’t need anything but his follow.”

“I love them more than my own life, but Harry was the one who I loved the most,” she gushed. “I actually loved him more than I would love a boyfriend.”

[related]Beatriz goes on to add that Harry somewhat saved her life.

"He didn’t save me like I was about to kill myself or anything and bam, he saved me. No, but I was a bad girl. Like, I had bad grades, I smoked, I skipped some classes.”

And that everything changed when she joined the One Direction fandom.

“When I started to like [the band] I tried to calm myself down. Then I realised that Harry was the most beautiful human being on earth, he loves to help people, to be a ‘good boy’…and I kinda followed his example.”

“He changed my life for better, he made me feel good with myself. He makes me the happiest girl on the planet, I’m not even kidding. I can’t imagine how I would be right now if it wasn’t him to be honest.”

At the time of writing this, Beatriz was up to tweet no. 10,210. We wish her luck!

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