11 Reasons Why Being Single Is The Best, As Told By Perrie Edwards

Because who wouldn't want to be able to eat chips in bed?

Following the shock split of Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards, we thought we'd cheer everyone up with why it's actually pretty great being single.

I mean, just think of all the fun things you can do when you've not got an annoying other half nagging you...

You can get your dance on without any judgement from anyone ever...

You can be sassy af and not have someone who just doesn't get it go: "Wow you're so b*tchy"...

You can flirt with as many pretty boys/hot girls as you want...

You can be as weird as you like...

Been on a night out and incredibly hungry? CHIPS IN BED.

You can try out all those quirky hats you've always to wear...

No more awkwardly sharing an umbrella with your other half. At last, two dry arms!

You can go furniture shopping on your own and not have to get something ugly that they liked. Man table? Sure why not...

You can FINALLY use that wind machine that they complained was "a tad excessive"...

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