14 Gross Things Everyone In A Relationship Does

GAGGING...and not in a good way

You know that time when you've just got into a relationship and you make sure that the other person thinks you are totally perfect. You look great, smell wonderful and NEVER have morning breath. Yeah, this is like the opposite of that.

You're three years in and shiz is REAL my friend...

1. Shaving his back hair...

Sometimes he can’t reach and you’re more than willing to pick up that razor. You cretin.

2. Sharing a toothbrush when one of you forgets theirs…

All the food and bacteria is just being transferred into your own mouth. THAT ISN’T HYGENIC.

3. Peeing in front of each other…

Because who wants to go to the toilet alone? Who’ll chat to you? Oh maybe you could spend 3 minutes by yourself. Maybe?

4. Or worse, dropping the kids off at the pool in the same room…


5. Smelling each other’s armpits to check if they need a wash...

Why can’t you just smell it yourself? It’s not like when you can’t smell your own breath.

6. Checking if something is a spot or a bite or an ingrown hair…

Because sometimes you just can’t tell. Imagine someone peering at your skin so closely that they can see an ingrown hair. TOO close.

7. Taking out that ingrown hair…

We had a friend whose girlfriend took an ingrown hair out of her bikini line. We say ‘had’ because that was too much for us tbh.

8. Or picking that spot…

This one we can kind of get on board with because is there anything more satisfying that popping a spot. Gross maybe but so good.

9. And showing them what came out of it…

“LOOK AT HOW MUCH JUSTCAME OUT. Pass me another tissue babe…”

10. Cleaning up their drunk vom…

Because when you live together, they have to throw up in your house, because it’s their house too. And being part of a couple means you haveclean it up instead of waiting for them to do it in the morning? Yes, that's a question. Who are we asking? We don't know. Grim.

11. Washing each other’s pants...

And we all know what boys’ pants look like. #skidmarks

12. Having sex after a day of being hungover and not showering...

Possibly the most disgusting a person can be. Imagine the sweat and dirt after a full day, a night out, sleeping and then another full day on the hang. Have you even changed your pants? Hope so because that’s where you'regoing in this scenario.

13. The Dutch oven

Farting and locking it in the duvet ready to surprise your partner. And they actually find it funny. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?

14. Discussing your bowel movements

Why does that person need to know how many times you’ve been, what the consistency was and how it smelt? THEY DON’T. EVER.

Talk to us when you’re single again.

After all that gross-ness let's ease our minds and stomachs with some fabulous drag queens and their most sickening (in the best way) moments...

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