How One Woman Is Making Money From Her Tinder Matches

A lesson in why you shouldn't make assumptions on dating apps.

Ahh Tinder. If it isn't dick pics, it's guys asking you for nudes and in response to this, one woman is using her matches to make a little bit of money.

Picking a bio for your profile is always tricky, but 20-year-old Maggie Archer's is definitely novel.

Hers simply reads: "Send me $5 and see what happens" and while that might seem like a joke, plenty of guys are taking it seriously, to the extent that they are actually crediting her PayPal account with $5 in the hopes that they'll find out.

Maggie is true to her word too and is more than happy to show them what happens: they get unmatched. D'oh.

While we're guessing they might be a little disappointed by this turn of events, Maggie definitely isn't and seems to be laughing all the way to the bank. It's happened with at least 20 guys, she says.

"It's really a foolproof plan, because I'm not actually promising anything, I just say 'see what happens,'" she told BuzzFeed News.

"Some men get creepy and assume if they offer a lot more, like hundreds, something will actually happen, which of course it doesn't," she adds.

"Some people are definitely upset about what I'm doing.Mostly men."

We can see why, but perhaps the moral of the story is don't try to pay girls on Tinder to see boobs. Chances are you're being scammed.

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