Everything You Wanted To Know About Period Sex

They don't say red is the colour of love for nothing.

So you want to let him Slytherin your Hufflepuff, but your monthly potion is brewing ­- do you wait until it’s finished or do you let the magic run free?

Well, before you declare a ‘no wand zone,’ here’s everything you need to know about period sex to help you decide.

Doctors give it the thumbs up


The stigma of menstruation causes a lot of people to think sex is a medical no, but if you and your partner want to scream “yes”, there’s no health reason to stop you. In fact, Dr. Sexy and Nurse Time give you their blessing.

Sex is a great form of exercise that can boost your immunity, help you sleep better, and give you glowing skin. The time of the month you’re having it won’t affect any of this good stuff.

RIP bed sheets


Did you know the best kind of foreplay for period sex is putting down a towel or old bed sheets? Practicality is a MAJOR turn­ on. Okay, I’m lying, but don’t be ashamed to kill the mood for a few seconds so you can get down to it. When your bed looks like a crime scene and you need to get rid of the evidence – you’ll wish you had.

If you’re really worried about the mess, doing it in the missionary position will limit the blood flow. As will having sex at the beginning/end of your period when your flow is lighter.

I’m what?!


Periods are NOT a form of birth control. Not only are sperm sneaky little buggers that can live for three to five days, some periods can last more than a week, causing ovulation to overlap with menstruation. So while it’s generally a great time to avoid risk, it isn’t a sure thing.

What’s more, the cervix is more open during menzies, meaning there’s a slightly higher risk of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases. So use protection – as you always should.

Bye bye period pain


Diamonds are great, but orgasms –­ they’re your real best friend. They help to relieve the symptoms of PMS by causing the brain to release endorphins. These will kick your pain’s ass better than any store-bought medication.

And if that isn’t reason enough to worship orgasms, they can also shorten the length of your period by speeding up the release of the blood and uterine lining ­which you may see after you’re finished – so don’t freak out.

So what?


Guys aren’t as grossed out by period sex as we think. Of course, you’ll get the guy who “doesn’t like ketchup on his hotdog,” but most have the mind-set that “a true warrior isn’t afraid to get his sword bloody.”

There are even guys who actively seek and look forward to period sex -­ ‘bloodhounds.’ Kind of a creepy name, but the point is, talk to him. If it’s something you think you might want to do, then there’s no reason you shouldn’t.

Period pants can be sexy


I know what you’re thinking: “I’m wearing my FAT clothes and you want me to have sex? Are you kidding?” Just hear me out. There’s a chance -­ and a very high one at that ­- that once you get into it – you’ll be so turned on during your period that you stopped being turned off by the idea of doing it; and if you are ­listen to your body.

Sexual arousal is strong enough to overpower the natural ‘ewww’ response, so once you get going, you’ll forget about all the things that were stopping you. However, if your man is down for it but you really aren’t feeling it – don’t feel pressured. After all sex is only ever good if you’re both in the mood.

So, if you find a person you’re willing to have period sex with, a person who finds you beautiful every day of the month, then embrace the blood. They don’t say red is the colour of love for nothing...

- Lauren Dorling

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