JJ Abrams 'Talking To George Lucas On Star Wars'

Sci-fi franchise creator's son reveals contact between filmmakers...

JJ Abramshas been consulting with Star Wars creator George Lucason his forthcoming new instalment of the sci-fi franchise.
Lucas' son Jett has told Flicks And The City that his dad is still creatively involved in the new movie, despite selling LucasFilm to Disney for $2bn last year.
He said: "He's constantly talking to JJ. Obviously JJ was handpicked. He is there to guide, whenever, he'll help where he can. At the same time, he wants to let it go and become its new generation."
He also paid tribute to Abrams' skills as a filmmaker and said: "I've no doubt that the next three movies are going to be amazing."
Lucas Jr also hints that the new movies will be about the offspring off Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia - as had been rumoured.
He said: "These movies are about a new generation... I think following a new generation and a new group of heroes and villains is the right direction."
And asked about the original stars making a comeback, he teased: "Who doesn't want to see Han Solo cruise through on the Falcon again, but at the same time - maybe he's teaching his son how to drive."
Asked if he had been surprised by his dad's decision to sell up, he gave an illuminating response.
"I wasn't, because I knew that he was very torn on the matter... He was like it was a kid who had turned 18 and it was ready to leave the house.
"Every parent that I've encountered has wanted to let their children go but at the same time has been like 'leave, but I'm going to hold onto you'.
"He's ready to let it go and let it grow."
It was recently reported that [uuid=e7992d17-578b-4520-bce1-4f6de0e9dc7e]a wookiee-related casting call[/uuid] had been put out for the new movie.

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