The MTV 2 Cow takes Zane's place at the SXSW Fest and hangs with Lily Allen, Beth Ditto and Jamie T. Nice...

Howdy y'all! The Cow is having a ball in Texas, despite people trying to bbq me at every turn.

First up, and following last year's very public falling out with the NME we were very surprised to see Lily Allen backstage at their event - and we told her so.

Her response? "If I'd known it was an NME thing I'd have cancelled - they're a bunch of horrible little w*nkers" - a sentiment she later repeated live on stage to a packed crowd. You gotta love her!

She also tried to tell us that far from falling out, her and "the Winehouse" are lesbian lovers - but we're not buying it, and anyway our favourite lesbian is still Beth Ditto who we bumped in to utterly sans entourage but avec cute little brother late last night.

She's trying to show him a good time, but even if you're the coolest rock star in town, you have to prove you're 21 before they'll even let you sniff a bar, something Jamie T is also having issues with. That and his decision to wear NO SOCKS with his trainers in 3O degree heat - schoolboy error Jimbo!

So we took pity on him and let him perform an acoustic version of next single 'Salvador' in his air-conditioned hotel room - I know, we're all heart. Anyway, it was great, and Cow reckons the yanks will love him, even without Lily Allen bigging him up all over town - which she is bless her!

Talking of great up-and-coming British solo artists, MTV2 saved the day by driving Jack Penate and Kid Harpoon to a music store so they could buy much needed guitar strings for their imminent gigs.

Both repaid us with a brilliant acoustic performance which I promise I'll show you all as soon as we're back. Smell ya later!

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