F**k It Fridays: Iggy Azalea

Celebrating the power of just saying "OH F**K IT"!

HAI, happy FRI! Welcome back to F**k It Friday - a weekly feature from MTV Breaks that’s all about saying a big “f**k yeah” to the most excellent people who’ve said “f**k it” (probably) and taken a leap of faith to make big things happen.

Cos it’s not about just having ideas – it’s about believing in yourself, and making them happen. AMIRIGHT?

So who’s next up in the FIF roll call of honour? Who that? Who that? I-G-G-Y!

Iggy grew up in a small town in Australia (pop. 3,000) which, as you can imagine, didn’t exactly have a thriving hip-hop scene. Back in the early days of the internet (if you can imagine such a time) she used it as her only outlet to connect to the genre she had grown to love.

As a result she became friends with Derek, a young hip-hop fan living in the Bahamas who Iggy used to send her demos too and just talk about hip-hop with. Eventually, at 16, she decided that the internet just wasn’t enough and needed to go to America, the home of hip-hop, to further her passion. Unfortunately though, she didn’t actually know a single person in America, apart from Derek who had moved to Miami…who she had never actually met.

But because of her passion for hip-hop and desire to see where it might take her if she got a little closer to the action, Iggy said “f**k it” (probably) and, in her words said, “well, shit…guess I'm just gonna go stay at Derek's house”.

After two weeks with Derek, learning about hip-hop and honing her own music Iggy said “f**k it” (probably), again, and rang her parents to tell them (much to their distaste) that she wasn’t coming home, she was staying in America to pursue her dream. And pursue it she did! If Iggy hadn’t said “f**k it” and followed her dream, we’d be missing out on a whole heap of bangers now wouldn’t we? Way to f**k it, Iggs!

Check out last week’s “f**k it’ hero here.

Have you ever said “f**k it” and taken a chance? Would you like to? Or want to nominate someone for next week? Hit us up on @mtvbreaks with your stories.

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