Science Proves Unicorns ARE Real, But They Really Don't Look How You'd Imagined

Mind. Blown.

If you've always dreamt of riding bareback across a misty mooron a glittering unicorn with you hair blowing in the wind and your arms locked around Channing Tatum's waist, then we're happy to be able to bring you one step closer to making that a reality.

How are we going to do that, you ask? Well, science has officially gone and proved the existence of unicorns, meaning that they are no longer a mythical creature, but something that genuinely roamed the earth once upon a time.

Granted this was all a pretty long time ago, but still, the dream is alive, people.

This revelation comes thanks to the discovery of a fossilised skull of a horned, horse-like creature in Siberia, who scientists reckon lived on Earth a casual 29,000 years ago.

While long extinct, scientists have come across a perfectly preserved skull that proves the unicorn lived a lot more recently than they had previously thought.

As if that wasn't quite enough to be going on with, it turns out that this 'Siberian unicorn' didn't look quite how most of us would imagine thanks to a childhood of fairy tales and Harry Potter books, and instead the unicorn looks a little more like, well, arhino.

Mind. Blown.

Think we'll stick to the pretty white horse with a horn image ourselves; the fantasy involving Channing becomes a teeny tiny bit less sexy when you imagine yourself riding off into the sunset on this guy, doesn't it?

Still, let us know what you make of this magical and mysticalnews with a tweet to @MTVUK.

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